Who We Are
Each year members are elected to various roles and positions within the Constituency Labour Party (CLP). These are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Information on each role can be found on the Labour Party website here.
Our current officers are:
Secretary: Lee Glover
Chair: Shelley Lanchbury
Vice-Chair: Donna Ludford
Vice-Chair: Thomas Robinson
Treasurer: William Jeavons
Women’s Officer: Sherita Mandongwe
Campaigns and Social Media Officer: Jacob Mason
TULO Officer: Matthew Lloyd
LGBT Officer: Hannah Berry
Youth Officer: Irene Robinson
Disability Officer: Peter Marshall
Political Education Officer: Gareth Smith
Policy Officer: Jessica Godstone
BAME Officer: Ali Mohamed
Fundraising Officer: Joanna Maylott
Arts and Culture Officer: Ekua Bayunu